vrijdag 15 oktober 2010

So this is how it starts.....

When in High School I started to get interested in fashion. Not in a very conscious way, I justed wanted to look different. I was the kid wearing white dress shoes and yellow pants to school....
But flash forward to the present: at 40 I am still very much interested in man's fashion, however, I do not have the financial means to splash out on designer clothing. I do know, however what is quality and what is not. So, in order to get those nice clothes without paying a fortune I try to be creative in acquiring good (designer) clothing. I turn to different sources, hence the title of this blog: sales, samples shop daughters (this is a dutch expression for clothing that a shop does not seem to be able to sell, for being either too expensive or too "different") and second hand.
My aim for this blog is to share with you whatever I buy for a nice price and to see if you agree! As I have been "collecting" for quite a while there is quite a lot in my wardrobe I can show.

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